Beach Guide to Ecuador and Galapagos Islands

Guide of activities, places to visit, historical / cultural data and more information for your visit to the Ecuadorian Coast and its Insular region

All Ecuador Beaches and beach towns

Here is a list of the main beaches in Ecuador:

Galapagos islands

Galapagos is one of the world’s most endemic locations, with land in its most pristine state. It’s an adventure of detachment and reconnection with nature.

Ecuador and Galapagos travel guides

Spondylus Route

A tour along the Ecuadorian coastline to explore its beaches, gastronomy and the cultural baggage of Ecuador beach towns.

Beaches in Ecuador by province

Ecuador has 6 provinces (states) covering all the beaches of the Ecuadorian coastal region and the Galapagos:



Santa Elena



El Oro

Ecuador Surfing Route

Ecuador has plenty of waves and a circuit of surfing beaches in all the coastal provinces of the country and the Galapagos Islands.

Ecuador Coastal Adventure

Adventure tourism has been promoted as an alternative to cultural tourism. Check out here the activities that can be done in the Ecuadorian coast:

Ecuador Beach Map

Along the Ecuadorian coastline you will find around 100 beach towns, most of them not crowded and located in small villages that still preserve the traditions of the “costeño ecuatoriano“.

This entire journey from north to south is known as the “Ruta del Spondylus” (Spondylus Route).

And a small portion of this trail is the “Route of the Sun” (Ruta del Sol) , a beautiful tourist walk that includes the beaches of Manabi and Santa Elena, and where you will find the most beautiful beaches in Ecuador.

Cultural Tourism on the coast of Ecuador

Ecuador’s historical and cultural heritage is remarkable, particularly on the coast, where the first cultures of the Americas were established. The cultural activities available in the Coast of Ecuador involve discovering its gastronomy, history, legends, customs and traditions.

About Ecuador

Ecuador is a small country located on the west coast of South America. It has four regions, each one with its own ecosystem. That is why Ecuador is also known as “The country of the four worlds.” One of them is the Coast Region.

The Ecuadorian Coast covers more than 70,000 km² of extension and has countless beach towns that still preserve a local coastal lifestyle. They are also surf destinations for nationals and foreigners.

These beaches are located in 6 provinces. Many of them have been a local tourist destination for many years, but others are still not known.

Our goal with this website is to visit each beach town and promote Ecuadorian beach life.

Map of Ecuador


Climate on the coast of Ecuador

Winter (December – May): 24 ° C – 30 ° C.
Summer (June – November): 19 ° C – 24 ° C.


Currency in Ecuador

In Ecuador the official currency is the US dollar ($ USD)

Read: Ecuador currency


Transportation in Ecuador

Public transportation is cheap and you can reach almost all the beaches in Ecuador

Phone Code

Phone codes Ecuador

Ecuador: +593

Guayas: 04
Manabí: 05
Esmeraldas: 06
El Oro: 07
Los Ríos: 05
Galápagos: 05


Ecuador airports

International: Aeropuerto Internacional José Joaquín de Olmedo (Guayaquil)

Local: General Ulpiano Paez (Salinas); Eloy Alfaro (Manta); General Rivadeneira (Esmeraldas).

Emergency contacts

Emergency contacts


Health, National Police, Firefighters, Traffic, natural disasters, among others.